“Look, and be amazed! You will be astounded at what I am about to do! For I am going to do something in your own lifetime that you will have to see to believe!”  Habakkuk 1:5

Since the last spring newsletter that went out before the soft sabbatical God called me into this past summer, our family has been blown away by the love and power of God! What we’ve seen and experienced over the last few months, we can never go back. There is POWER in the name of Jesus and His name sets the captives free! Our family has experienced His presence, love, and power in such a way that has us hungering and thirsting for more. It’s from that overflowing of His love that will bring the hope, healing, and freedom we desire for the teen girls and women the Lord has us serving and will serve in the future. You see, what worked in the past, won’t work anymore in this new season. God is doing a new thing and it was over the three-month sabbatical that God revealed just what that means for our family and Break of Dawn. This newsletter will contain a hint of what’s to come. Rest assured, the firm foundation is still the same: Jesus is our Cornerstone with two pillars of prayer and extravagant giving. We will continue serving whoever God brings to us with the same short-term and long-term goals. The matter in which we will bring hope, healing, and freedom is what has been in front of us all along, but it wasn’t until we spent added intentional time with the Lord did we see what He desires from here on out. Christ’s ministry as outlined in the gospels and the book of Acts is the template and He will be our guide. In the upcoming months, we will share specific details. For now, read on to see how you can tangibly continue the Isaiah 58 mission!

 Shining His Light,
 Jennifer Dueholm
Co-Founder/Executive Director
Break of Dawn

“Then your light will break forth like the dawn and your healing will quickly appear!” Isaiah 58:8

Fall Work Day for Leala!
On Saturday, October 22nd, from 9-5, we’ll be prepping Leala’s house for winter. Tasks include, but are not limited to, cutting, splitting, and stacking wood, burning pallets, general yard clean-up and more. We’re looking for families, youth groups, couples, and individuals to help, as well as chainsaws, wood splitters, trucks, trailers, and tractors or skidloaders to haul wood and more. If you or anyone you know can help that day, email info@breakofdawninc.org for more detailed information. 

5 Ways to Make an Impact

Donating to Break of Dawn goes directly towards Leala, Joy, Widows and Orphans, The Storehouses Project and other Break of Dawn Isaiah 58 initiatives.  

1) Go to https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/BreakofDawnInc/ and select any Purpose.

2) AmazonSmile – As you do your online shopping, automatically donate 0.5% of the purchase price to Break of Dawn at no cost to you at smile.amazon.com. Change the charity you support to Break of Dawn, Inc.

3) Double the impact of Break of Dawn and Trades of Hope when you purposely shop at https://tradesofhope.com/breakofdawn. A portion of the proceeds goes to Break of Dawn each time you shop for these beautiful products. Most deals come at the price of someone’s freedom. Through ethical shopping we create a reality of hope, healing, and freedom.

4) Plan Ahead! Giving Tuesday 2022: Prayerfully consider giving to Break of Dawn on Tuesday, November 29th. Mail checks to PO Box 121, Spooner, Wis, 54801, or give online at the link above.  

5) Plan Ahead! Year-End Giving: Prayerfully consider donating to Break of Dawn for your year-end giving by donating online or mailing in a check. Envelopes must be postmarked by December 31st.THANK YOU for your support! All 2022 donors will be entered into a random drawing that will take place in January 2023 for a FREE stay at Haven on Rice Creek during the warmer months of 2023. For more information, go to https://www.havenonricecreek.org/ to learn about the haven that awaits you.

Thank you for praying for Break of Dawn!